Piroplasmosis (babesiosis) of dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
There are two types of Babesia that can infect dogs: Babesia canis and Babesia vogeli, which are also known as “big babesies”. Babesia gibsoni and Theileria annae, similar to the…

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Viral leukemia in cats: tests, treatment, vaccinations
Infection with leukemia leads to death in 85% of cats with persistent infection (when the leukemia virus resides in the cat's body) for 1.5 - 3 years after infection. Leukemia…

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Castration of cats and sterilization of cats
Castration and sterilization - surgical removal of the reproductive organs of cats and cats. Castration and sterilization help control the population of cats, and also have a positive effect on…

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close supervision of doctors.

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Calicivirus cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination
Different strains of the virus lead to different symptoms with varying degrees of severity. It can be Discharge from the eyes and nose Heat Mouth ulcers Loss of appetite Lethargy…


Overheating and heat stroke in dogs and cats
Never leave a pet alone in the car while it's hot in the street. Even if the car windows are open and it is in the shade! You will be…
