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Why a cat does not eat anything? Dangerous symptom

Cats are well able to hide the disease. When the cat does not eat – it can be an eloquent sign that something is wrong with the health of your pet.

Does your cat lack appetite?
Like us, cats can also lose their appetite when they get sick. Unlike us, cats do not tolerate even short periods of malnutrition. It is important to recognize the signs of the disease at an early stage, especially when the cat does not eat.

When should I take a cat to the vet?
Need to take a cat to the vet if
Your adult cat hasn’t eaten for more than 24 hours.
Your kitten younger than 6 weeks did not eat more than 12 hours.
Come to the Constellation round-the-clock veterinary clinic. You can make an appointment in advance or visit the clinic without an appointment.

How important is regular nutrition for cat health?
Unlike other animals, cats need large amounts of protein and specific amino acids.

If you feed a cat for a long time, it can lead to:
Metabolic disorders
Delayed wound healing
Increased risk of infection
Violation of the liver
Is your cat very thin?
Without food, cats can lose weight quickly. A change in body weight of more than 0.5-2% per week is dangerous even for obese cats.

This is due to the fact that unreasonable weight loss can indicate a serious illness. In fact, unexplained weight loss in cats is a well-known symptom of several diseases:

Renal failure
Gastrointestinal diseases
Metabolic disease
Liver failure
Pain caused by various causes
Teeth lesions
Diseases of the nervous system
If your cat is losing weight quickly, you are not alone. Many cat owners visit veterinary clinics every year due to unexplained weight loss and / or lack of appetite due to concomitant diseases in their pets.

What if the cat does not eat?
The cat does not eat feed

Malnutrition in combination with the underlying disease creates a difficult situation. It is more difficult to help a cat recover if its body does not have the “fuel” necessary for recovery.

That is why veterinarians prescribe special veterinary diets for cats with various diseases.

If your cat does not eat for a long time, it is extremely important to visit a veterinary clinic. Please do not self-medicate.

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