Diarrhea (diarrhea) in dogs and cats: causes and treatment
Most various diseases and conditions can accompany diarrhea (diarrhea). The frequency, speed, and physical characteristics of diarrhea, along with a history of the disease and other clinical signs that manifest…

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Dog Vet
Dogs are one of the most beloved pets. Unfortunately, these animals are prone to diseases just like humans. The causes of disease are most often malnutrition, improper care and maintenance,…

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Piroplasmosis (babesiosis) of dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
There are two types of Babesia that can infect dogs: Babesia canis and Babesia vogeli, which are also known as “big babesies”. Babesia gibsoni and Theileria annae, similar to the…

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Viral leukemia in cats: tests, treatment, vaccinations
Infection with leukemia leads to death in 85% of cats with persistent infection (when the leukemia virus resides in the cat's body) for 1.5 - 3 years after infection. Leukemia…


Eye injuries in dogs: symptoms and treatment
Dogs are extremely inquisitive and love to play. Even extremely calm dogs sometimes get scratches and other injuries. This can happen during a game, sneaking through the bushes or simply…
