11 dangers that await dogs and cats on New Year's Eve
1. Chocolate In the New Year in almost every apartment you can find chocolate or treats containing it. You can find a lot of chocolate. Even if the chocolate is…

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Veterinary dentist for dogs
You take care of your teeth, brush them every time after eating, killing harmful bacteria. You regularly visit the dentist. But do you pay attention to the health of your…

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Calicivirus cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination
Different strains of the virus lead to different symptoms with varying degrees of severity. It can be Discharge from the eyes and nose Heat Mouth ulcers Loss of appetite Lethargy…

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found in cats infected

Inflammation of the para-anal glands in cats: diagnosis and treatment
Inflammation of the para-anal glands in cats: treatment If the cat rides the floor on the priest, licks or scratches it, then it is possible that the cat has inflammation…


Bravekto, Frontline Nexgard Spectra - tablets for dogs from fleas, ticks and worms
Tick ​​Tablets: NexgarD Spectra and Bravecto The first pills for fleas and ticks in Russia appeared in 2016. These were Frontline NexgarD and Bravecto. In Europe, these pills began to…
