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Herpes virus of dogs: symptoms, treatment, vaccination

About 70% of dogs are infected with the herpes virus, but for most adult dogs this virus does not lead to serious consequences. This applies to adult animals. In newborn puppies, infection of herpes with a virus leads to death in almost 100% of cases.

Herpes virus dog – alpha herpes virus, genetically close to the herpes virus of cats, the herpes virus 1 type of horses.

Is the herpes virus of dogs found in Russia?
Herpes virus dogs spread throughout the world and Russia, unfortunately, is no exception.

Can a person get infected with a dog’s herpes virus?
The herpes virus of dogs is species specific and dangerous only to dogs. Other animals and humans cannot become infected.

How common is dog herpes virus?
On average, every third dog is found to have antibodies to the herpes virus. In nurseries, the prevalence of the herpes virus can reach 100%!

How is the herpes virus transmitted?
The virus is transmitted after contact of a healthy dog ​​with the discharge of a sick dog. In the external environment, the virus is not saved. After infection, the virus enters the latent stage, being periodically activated and released into the environment along with nasal secretions (more often) or with genital secretions (less often).

How is herpes virus infected with dogs?
Puppies become infected during passage through the birth canal or after contact with secretions from the nose or mouth of an infected mother or other dogs in the nursery or at home. Infected puppies from the same litter or neighbour’s dogs can also be a source of infection. Possible intrauterine infection, leading to abortion.

How many days after infection do the symptoms of canine herpes virus appear?
The incubation period is 6-10 days.

If a bitch is aborting or puppies are born non-viable, dying in the first weeks of life – it is possible that the cause is a herpes virus!

Symptoms of herpes virus in dogs
The disease usually proceeds without symptoms if the puppy is infected occurs over the age of 1–2 weeks.
In newborn puppies, the herpes virus disease usually ends in death at the age of 1-4 weeks due to insufficient colostral immunity obtained from the mother’s colostrum.
In sick newborn puppies, symptoms usually appear 1–3 days.
Symptoms of herpes virus in puppies
Lack of appetite (puppy does not eat)
Soreness when feeling the abdomen
Typical diseases of the disease are soft yellow-green feces.
Sometimes it is possible to observe serous or bloody discharge from the nose.
Petechiae (small red or purple spots) on mucous membranes.
Thrombocytopenia may occur.
The temperature is usually not elevated.
Herpes virus causes fetal death and abortion or puppy death immediately after birth.

Symptoms of herpes virus in adult dogs
Respiratory diseases
Herpes virus carriers
Asymptomatic carriers of herpes secrete a virus within a week with an interval of 2-3 months. Stress (moving the dog, contact with unfamiliar dogs) provokes the activation of the herpes virus. If the virus penetrates the nursery, it spreads rapidly among animals, leading to asymptomatic carriage.

In dog kennels, the prevalence of the herpes virus can reach 100%!

Treatment of herpes virus in dogs
Like most viral infections, the treatment of herpes virus is difficult and often ineffective. That is why prevention is extremely important.

How to prevent infection of puppies with herpes virus?
Vaccination of dogs to protect against herpes virus dogs
The vaccine Eurikan Herpes (Eurican Herpes 205) is used to protect newborn puppies.


Eurican Herpes 205 \ Eurican Herpes 205 – vaccine against herpes dogs

Features of use Eurikan Herpes
Only puppy dogs are vaccinated.
Vaccination is always carried out twice every frequency. More often, vaccination is not necessary.
Dogs do not vaccinate.
Vaccinations are subject to all puppies bitches.
It does not matter whether the bitch is free of herpes virus infection or the carrier of the herpes virus – Eurikan Herpes is vaccinated. The vaccine will “work” anyway.

The vaccination scheme for puppies of females by the vaccine Eurikan Herpes
1 vaccination – in the interval between: 1 week before planned mating – 1 week after mating
2 vaccinations – 1-2 weeks before the planned whelping
How does the vaccine “Eurikan Herpes”
Eurikan Herpes is used in the period of scans. Protecting the bitch with this vaccine against the herpes virus, we increase the puppy’s birth rate and reduce mortality in newborn puppies, excluding the infection of herpes puppies with the virus during development and immediately after birth. Thanks to vaccination, even if the bitch is a carrier of the herpes virus, the risk of the influence of the herpes virus on fetal development is minimized; puppies are born healthy and protected from the herpes virus in the most dangerous period – in the first weeks after birth.

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