Ferret disease, how to avoid problems?
It is not a secret for anyone that regular examination by a veterinarian is the main method of prevention and early diagnosis of various diseases of any animals, ferrets are…

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Rhinotracheitis of cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination against herpesvirus
Rhinotracheitis of cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination against herpesvirus The cat rhinotracheitis virus (herpes virus) is a widespread disease of cats in Russia. This is due to the fact that vaccination…

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Nobivac Vaccine
Vaccination is a mandatory measure that protects the animal from infectious diseases. Dangerous bacteria or viruses can enter the body of a pet even in those cases when it does…

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treatment is expensive

Cleaning teeth of dogs and cats with ultrasound without anesthesia

Why is there such a service as ultrasonic cleaning of teeth without anesthesia?
Honestly, veterinarians, and we are no exception, are not very good at explaining 3 things:

The importance of veterinary dentistry and the prevention of dental diseases in dogs and cats
Overcoming the fear of anesthesia for dogs and cats
Pricing dental services Continue reading

Cleaning teeth of dogs and cats with ultrasound without anesthesia
Why is there such a service as ultrasonic cleaning of teeth without anesthesia? Honestly, veterinarians, and we are no exception, are not very good at explaining 3 things: The importance…


Overheating and heat stroke in dogs and cats
Never leave a pet alone in the car while it's hot in the street. Even if the car windows are open and it is in the shade! You will be…
