If the cat does not eat a few days
Often, cat owners are faced with the fact that their pet loses its appetite and refuses to feed. If this is a single case and the appetite is quickly restored,…

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Diarrhea (diarrhea) in dogs and cats: causes and treatment
Most various diseases and conditions can accompany diarrhea (diarrhea). The frequency, speed, and physical characteristics of diarrhea, along with a history of the disease and other clinical signs that manifest…

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7 reasons for limping on the front or hind paw of puppies
Causes of lameness in puppies If the puppy began to limp, you need to act quickly to prevent problems that may accompany him throughout his life. All these diseases should…

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frequency or rhythms

Chlamydia cats: symptoms, treatment, tests, vaccination

Chlamydia is a common infection in cats in Russia. The causative agent of the disease is intracellular bacterium (lives in the cat’s cells). Chlamydia species affecting cats – Chlamydia felis.

Chlamydia mainly affects the eyes of cats. Celebrated Continue reading

Diagnosis of heart failure in dogs. Clinical analysis.

Determination of the physical condition of the dog

During a medical examination of a patient with signs of circulatory insufficiency, it is necessary to take into account body temperature, weight and condition of muscles, skin and hair, as well as the presence of swelling of the limbs. It is necessary to carry out palpation of the abdominal cavity in order to identify the state of the liver, the presence of ascites and tumors. Continue reading

Inflammation of the para-anal glands in cats: diagnosis and treatment
Inflammation of the para-anal glands in cats: treatment If the cat rides the floor on the priest, licks or scratches it, then it is possible that the cat has inflammation…


Cat vet
Cats are one of the most independent pets. However, when they become ill, they urgently need our help and attention. In order to protect your animal from diseases, it is…
