Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy - HCM
As I have already noted in other articles - unfortunately, dangerous heart diseases do not bypass our pets. There are a number of diseases that have a negative effect on…

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Piroplasmosis (babesiosis) of dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
There are two types of Babesia that can infect dogs: Babesia canis and Babesia vogeli, which are also known as “big babesies”. Babesia gibsoni and Theileria annae, similar to the…

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Castration of cats and sterilization of cats
Castration and sterilization - surgical removal of the reproductive organs of cats and cats. Castration and sterilization help control the population of cats, and also have a positive effect on…

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paraanal glands overflow

Causes and treatment of persistent vomiting in cats

The cat vomits after eating, yellow or white foam, undigested food? Often and every day? We understand the article and take action

In cats, vomiting occurs intermittently if something is eaten that causes intestinal upset or because of a sensitive digestive system. However, a health hazard to the animal occurs when the vomiting does not stop and the vomit does not contain anything other than bile (yellow / white foam). Continue reading

Bravekto, Frontline Nexgard Spectra - tablets for dogs from fleas, ticks and worms
Tick ​​Tablets: NexgarD Spectra and Bravecto The first pills for fleas and ticks in Russia appeared in 2016. These were Frontline NexgarD and Bravecto. In Europe, these pills began to…


7 facts about cats that every cat owner must know
Like any animal, cats are a long-term commitment and responsibility, to which pets respond with unlimited love. Below are 7 facts about caring for cats that owners need to know…
