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Vaccination of cats and cats

 Vaccination is a preventive measure against infectious diseases. It is carried out by introducing a specific biopreparation to the animal – a vaccine containing a weakened pathogen. Due to this, the immune system produces special immunoglobulins – antibodies that protect the body from a specific microbial agent. Thus, the goal of vaccination is to create in the animal active immunity against an infectious disease.

Preventive inspection of cats in Vetklinik

Cat Diseases and Vaccines
What diseases do cats vaccinate from?

Infectious rhinotracheitis.
Trichophytosis, microsporia.
You can find out the prices for vaccination of cats in Minsk in our section “Services”.

For immunization of cats use mono – and polyvalent vaccines containing one or more types of pathogens. At a veterinary clinic in Minsk, cats and cats are vaccinated with high-quality tested vaccines: Nobivac Tricat Trio (Nobivac Triket Trio, MSD, Animal Health Netherlands), Purevax RCP and RCPh (Purevax, Merial, France), Felocell 4 (Felocell 4, manufactured by Zoetis, USA), Multifel-4, Felomax-4, Leukofrelin. Their use ensures the creation of stable and long-lasting active immunity with minimal risk of complications.

Preventive inspection of cats in Vetklinik

Vaccination rules
The effectiveness of immunization depends largely on how well the animal was prepared for it. What should be considered before vaccination?

Vaccinations do only clinically healthy animals. Before the introduction of the vaccine, the veterinarian conducts a physical examination of the animal, measures the body temperature, assesses the pulse and respiration rates, and then makes a decision about the possibility of vaccination. With increased body temperature, the presence of certain painful symptoms (weakness, lethargy, cough, enlarged lymph nodes, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, etc.), immunization is postponed until the animal recovers.
10 days before vaccination, the animal must be treated against insects and worms. To do this, first the cat is treated with insecticidal agents (against ectoparasites – fleas, lice, ticks), after 10 days – de-worming and another 10 days later they are de-wormed again. Only 10 days after this, the animal can be vaccinated. Treatment against parasites can strengthen the immune system and prepare it for the load in the form of vaccinations.
During the change of teeth (at 4-7 months of age) cats do not vaccinate.
Pregnant cats are not vaccinated with live vaccines, so as not to provoke the development of pathologies in the offspring.
Vaccination should be carried out with strict observance of all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, it can cause these or other complications in the animal, so it is extremely important that it be carried out exclusively by a veterinarian.
After vaccination, the doctor puts a special mark in the veterinary passport of the animal on its implementation (glues the label of the vaccine).
For 2 weeks after vaccination, while a strong immunity has not yet been formed, the animal should be protected from stress, ensure its high-quality and adequate nutrition, and also limit access to the sources of possible infection.
The first vaccination of kittens is done at the age of 12 weeks, if their mother was vaccinated, and at 8 weeks in the absence of vaccinations in the mother (or if she is unknown).

The vaccination scheme involves the initial administration of a polyvalent vaccine against major infectious diseases (for example, Nobivac Tricat). 3 weeks after this, revaccination is performed with the same preparation in combination with the vaccine containing the rabies virus (Nobivac Rabies). In the future, the animal is vaccinated annually 1 time per year. Vaccination against rabies in cats is carried out not earlier than 3 months old.

Cats should not be vaccinated not only in order to avoid their infection with dangerous infections. Their immunization is needed, among other things, in order to protect a person from infection, because many infectious diseases of cats are transmitted to him. Such diseases include rabies, dermatophytes, and others. Vaccinus, Microderm vaccines are vaccinated against trichophytosis and microsporia of cats. In addition, it should be borne in mind that unvaccinated animals can not participate in competitions and exhibitions, as well as exported outside the region and country.

By contacting the VetProfi clinic in Minsk, you will be able to give your cat all the necessary vaccinations, undergo a veterinary examination and get a comprehensive consultation from an experienced doctor in caring for animals after vaccination.


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