Chlamydia cats: symptoms, treatment, tests, vaccination
Chlamydia is a common infection in cats in Russia. The causative agent of the disease is intracellular bacterium (lives in the cat's cells). Chlamydia species affecting cats - Chlamydia felis.…

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What you need to know about diseases of the urinary tract of cats?
Despite the fact that urological syndrome (UIC) as a whole can be successfully prevented, this syndrome is often found in cats and is a big problem especially in adult animals…

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Eye disease. Blepharitis in domestic animals.
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids. The disease is quite common in dogs, some breeds are especially predisposed to it (bulldogs, mastiffs, labradors, rottweilers, pugs and some others). Causes…

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Viral leukemia in cats: tests, treatment, vaccinations

Infection with leukemia leads to death in 85% of cats with persistent infection (when the leukemia virus resides in the cat’s body) for 1.5 – 3 years after infection.
Leukemia infection is usually manifested as anemia or lymphomas, but since the virus adversely affects the immune system, the risk of infection with other infectious diseases and the appearance of other symptoms increase. Continue reading

What you need to know about diseases of the urinary tract of cats?

Despite the fact that urological syndrome (UIC) as a whole can be successfully prevented, this syndrome is often found in cats and is a big problem especially in adult animals (often in the form of urolithiasis in cats). The syndrome occurs in both sexes, but for cats, urological syndrome is a serious danger. Continue reading

Eye injuries in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Dogs are extremely inquisitive and love to play. Even extremely calm dogs sometimes get scratches and other injuries. This can happen during a game, sneaking through the bushes or simply digging holes. Eye injuries in dogs are a fairly common problem.

More often than other injuries, damage to the eyes requires immediate treatment to the veterinarian ophthalmologist. Continue reading

10 questions you should ask your veterinarian
In order to diagnose faster and more accurately, it is extremely important for a veterinarian to obtain comprehensive information. Before visiting the veterinary clinic, we recommend owners write a list…


Vaccination of cats and cats
 Vaccination is a preventive measure against infectious diseases. It is carried out by introducing a specific biopreparation to the animal - a vaccine containing a weakened pathogen. Due to this,…
