causes symptoms

Why the dog does not eat feed? The reasons and what to do in this situation
The reasons why the dog refuses to eat a lot. It is extremely important to understand what causes this to cope with this situation. The first thing to do is…

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Cleaning teeth of dogs and cats with ultrasound without anesthesia
Why is there such a service as ultrasonic cleaning of teeth without anesthesia? Honestly, veterinarians, and we are no exception, are not very good at explaining 3 things: The importance…

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Dog vomiting: causes and what to do in this situation?
Is your dog sick? In dogs, vomiting is not always a symptom of a serious illness and / or reasons for urgent treatment at a veterinary clinic. However, vomiting is…

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Blood in the feces of a dog: causes and treatment

Sudden bloody diarrhea (sometimes with vomiting) is often the first sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) in dogs that causes gastrointestinal bleeding. The disease, in addition to bloody diarrhea, can also be accompanied by vomiting and other symptoms. The disease develops very quickly. Continue reading

Leptospirosis of dogs

Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects many types of animals and humans. Leptospirosis is rare in cats and often in dogs. Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, there is a risk of human infection from an animal. Human leptospirosis is similar in symptoms to the flu and, if not treated, can lead to serious consequences. Continue reading

Dog vomiting: causes and what to do in this situation?

Is your dog sick? In dogs, vomiting is not always a symptom of a serious illness and / or reasons for urgent treatment at a veterinary clinic. However, vomiting is something that you should not ignore. Learn about vomiting in dogs to be able to help your pet feel better as soon as possible. Continue reading

5 most common diseases of kittens
Ideally, when you buy a kitten, he will be completely healthy. However, this is not always the case. Kind people often pick up obviously sick kittens and nurse them. In…


Herpes virus of dogs: symptoms, treatment, vaccination
About 70% of dogs are infected with the herpes virus, but for most adult dogs this virus does not lead to serious consequences. This applies to adult animals. In newborn…
