Preparing dogs and cats for ultrasound
What is ultrasound? Ultrasound of dogs and cats - veterinary ultrasound. Sound waves pass through the body tissue of the animal and are recorded after their reflection. An ultrasound machine…

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Preparing dogs and cats for ultrasound
What is ultrasound? Ultrasound of dogs and cats - veterinary ultrasound. Sound waves pass through the body tissue of the animal and are recorded after their reflection. An ultrasound machine…

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Blood in the feces of a dog: causes and treatment
Sudden bloody diarrhea (sometimes with vomiting) is often the first sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) in dogs that causes gastrointestinal bleeding. The disease, in addition to bloody diarrhea, can also…

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important to recognize

Eye injuries in dogs: symptoms and treatment
Dogs are extremely inquisitive and love to play. Even extremely calm dogs sometimes get scratches and other injuries. This can happen during a game, sneaking through the bushes or simply…


7 facts about cats that every cat owner must know
Like any animal, cats are a long-term commitment and responsibility, to which pets respond with unlimited love. Below are 7 facts about caring for cats that owners need to know…
