Rhinotracheitis of cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination against herpesvirus
Rhinotracheitis of cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination against herpesvirus The cat rhinotracheitis virus (herpes virus) is a widespread disease of cats in Russia. This is due to the fact that vaccination…

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Overheating and heat stroke in dogs and cats
Never leave a pet alone in the car while it's hot in the street. Even if the car windows are open and it is in the shade! You will be…

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Removal of tartar by ultrasound in dogs and cats
How to prepare an animal for professional cleaning teeth with a scaler? Before each procedure, the veterinary dentist conducts a pet's oral examination. This not only allows you to assess…

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something poisonous

Preparing dogs and cats for ultrasound
What is ultrasound? Ultrasound of dogs and cats - veterinary ultrasound. Sound waves pass through the body tissue of the animal and are recorded after their reflection. An ultrasound machine…


Dog vomiting: causes and what to do in this situation?
Is your dog sick? In dogs, vomiting is not always a symptom of a serious illness and / or reasons for urgent treatment at a veterinary clinic. However, vomiting is…
