Vaccination of cats and cats
 Vaccination is a preventive measure against infectious diseases. It is carried out by introducing a specific biopreparation to the animal - a vaccine containing a weakened pathogen. Due to this,…

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Dirofilariasis of dogs
What are heartworm dogs in dogs? Dirofilariasis is caused by round worms of the species Dirofilaria immitis. These chevries live in the right chambers of the heart and pulmonary arteries…

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11 dangers that await dogs and cats on New Year's Eve
1. Chocolate In the New Year in almost every apartment you can find chocolate or treats containing it. You can find a lot of chocolate. Even if the chocolate is…

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comfortably transfer the heat

Overheating and heat stroke in dogs and cats

Never leave a pet alone in the car while it’s hot in the street. Even if the car windows are open and it is in the shade! You will be greatly surprised how quickly a parked car can turn into a stove.
Do not do intensive workouts with your dog in hot weather. Walk your dog early in the morning and late in the evening when it’s cool outside. Continue reading

High pressure in dogs and cats: causes, symptoms, how to measure
Hypertension is primary due to the pathology of the vessels themselves (idiopathic or essential) and secondary, which arose against the background of problems from some organ or system (for example,…


Dog vomiting: causes and what to do in this situation?
Is your dog sick? In dogs, vomiting is not always a symptom of a serious illness and / or reasons for urgent treatment at a veterinary clinic. However, vomiting is…
