Blood in the feces of a dog: causes and treatment
Sudden bloody diarrhea (sometimes with vomiting) is often the first sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) in dogs that causes gastrointestinal bleeding. The disease, in addition to bloody diarrhea, can also…

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Rabies vaccination dog and cat
Rabies is a 100% deadly disease of cats and dogs. Rabies vaccination is mandatory for cats, dogs and ferrets .What are rabies vaccines used for?Monovalent (rabies only) or polyvalent (rabies…

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Chlamydia cats: symptoms, treatment, tests, vaccination
Chlamydia is a common infection in cats in Russia. The causative agent of the disease is intracellular bacterium (lives in the cat's cells). Chlamydia species affecting cats - Chlamydia felis.…

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Adult worms mate

Ferret disease, how to avoid problems?

It is not a secret for anyone that regular examination by a veterinarian is the main method of prevention and early diagnosis of various diseases of any animals, ferrets are no exception.

Many diseases of domestic ferrets are often asymptomatic as long as the disease can no longer be controlled and effectively helping the animal becomes a non-trivial task. Continue reading

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, vaccinations

Do you love your dog and want her to be happy and healthy? Then you should take care of protection from a dangerous disease. Here you will find out why prevention from parvovirus infection is extremely important.

What is dog parvovirus infection?
Canine parvovirus is an infectious disease that affects mainly the small intestine. The disease is very contagious. It ends with grave consequences, often fatal. Continue reading

Veterinary dentist for dogs
You take care of your teeth, brush them every time after eating, killing harmful bacteria. You regularly visit the dentist. But do you pay attention to the health of your…


If the cat does not eat a few days
Often, cat owners are faced with the fact that their pet loses its appetite and refuses to feed. If this is a single case and the appetite is quickly restored,…
