Castration of cats at home
Castration of cats is one of the most frequently performed procedures in our clinic. It is a surgical intervention in order to remove the gonads (testes) in an animal, that…

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Parvovirus enteritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, vaccinations
Do you love your dog and want her to be happy and healthy? Then you should take care of protection from a dangerous disease. Here you will find out why…

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Parvovirus enteritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, vaccinations
Do you love your dog and want her to be happy and healthy? Then you should take care of protection from a dangerous disease. Here you will find out why…

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or use a special

Blood in the feces of a dog: causes and treatment
Sudden bloody diarrhea (sometimes with vomiting) is often the first sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) in dogs that causes gastrointestinal bleeding. The disease, in addition to bloody diarrhea, can also…


Calicivirus cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination
Different strains of the virus lead to different symptoms with varying degrees of severity. It can be Discharge from the eyes and nose Heat Mouth ulcers Loss of appetite Lethargy…
