Panleukopenia cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccinations
Feline panleukopenia (also known as infectious enteritis or cat plague) is caused by a virus of the family Parvoviridae, of the genus Parvovirus (a small, small-sized DNA-containing virus with icosahedral…

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7 facts about cats that every cat owner must know
Like any animal, cats are a long-term commitment and responsibility, to which pets respond with unlimited love. Below are 7 facts about caring for cats that owners need to know…

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Ferret disease, how to avoid problems?
It is not a secret for anyone that regular examination by a veterinarian is the main method of prevention and early diagnosis of various diseases of any animals, ferrets are…

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inflamed for no apparent reason

What you need to know about diseases of the urinary tract of cats?

Despite the fact that urological syndrome (UIC) as a whole can be successfully prevented, this syndrome is often found in cats and is a big problem especially in adult animals (often in the form of urolithiasis in cats). The syndrome occurs in both sexes, but for cats, urological syndrome is a serious danger. Continue reading

Blood in the feces of a dog: causes and treatment
Sudden bloody diarrhea (sometimes with vomiting) is often the first sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) in dogs that causes gastrointestinal bleeding. The disease, in addition to bloody diarrhea, can also…


Vaccination of cats and cats
 Vaccination is a preventive measure against infectious diseases. It is carried out by introducing a specific biopreparation to the animal - a vaccine containing a weakened pathogen. Due to this,…
