High pressure in dogs and cats: causes, symptoms, how to measure
Hypertension is primary due to the pathology of the vessels themselves (idiopathic or essential) and secondary, which arose against the background of problems from some organ or system (for example,…

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Calicivirus cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination
Different strains of the virus lead to different symptoms with varying degrees of severity. It can be Discharge from the eyes and nose Heat Mouth ulcers Loss of appetite Lethargy…

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Eye injuries in dogs: symptoms and treatment
Dogs are extremely inquisitive and love to play. Even extremely calm dogs sometimes get scratches and other injuries. This can happen during a game, sneaking through the bushes or simply…

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were a question of fleas

Castration of cats and sterilization of cats
Castration and sterilization - surgical removal of the reproductive organs of cats and cats. Castration and sterilization help control the population of cats, and also have a positive effect on…


Ferret disease, how to avoid problems?
It is not a secret for anyone that regular examination by a veterinarian is the main method of prevention and early diagnosis of various diseases of any animals, ferrets are…
