High pressure in dogs and cats: causes, symptoms, how to measure
Hypertension is primary due to the pathology of the vessels themselves (idiopathic or essential) and secondary, which arose against the background of problems from some organ or system (for example,…

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Diagnosis of heart failure in dogs. Clinical analysis.
Determination of the physical condition of the dog During a medical examination of a patient with signs of circulatory insufficiency, it is necessary to take into account body temperature, weight…

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Rhinotracheitis of cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination against herpesvirus
Rhinotracheitis of cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccination against herpesvirus The cat rhinotracheitis virus (herpes virus) is a widespread disease of cats in Russia. This is due to the fact that vaccination…

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were a question of fleas

Vaccination of cats and cats
 Vaccination is a preventive measure against infectious diseases. It is carried out by introducing a specific biopreparation to the animal - a vaccine containing a weakened pathogen. Due to this,…


5 reasons why the cat often began to drink a lot of water
If the cat began to drink more than usual. 3 main reasons Cat diabetes Kidney disease Diseases of the thyroid gland Any of these diseases are easily diagnosed with a…
