7 facts about cats that every cat owner must know
Like any animal, cats are a long-term commitment and responsibility, to which pets respond with unlimited love. Below are 7 facts about caring for cats that owners need to know…

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Why the dog does not eat feed? The reasons and what to do in this situation
The reasons why the dog refuses to eat a lot. It is extremely important to understand what causes this to cope with this situation. The first thing to do is…

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Vaccinations kittens up to a year: the scheme, price and other issues
You made an important decision and you got a kitten. It does not matter to preserve his health, you took him from a shelter for homeless animals, from friends or…

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diarrhea in animals

Diarrhea (diarrhea) in dogs and cats: causes and treatment

Most various diseases and conditions can accompany diarrhea (diarrhea). The frequency, speed, and physical characteristics of diarrhea, along with a history of the disease and other clinical signs that manifest in your pet, can provide sufficient information for a diagnosis. For example, a puppy with a liquid stool containing thin white long worms, like threads, is likely to suffer from intestinal parasites (worms). Unfortunately, in most cases, the underlying cause of diarrhea is not so obvious. Continue reading

Castration of cats at home
Castration of cats is one of the most frequently performed procedures in our clinic. It is a surgical intervention in order to remove the gonads (testes) in an animal, that…


Coronavirus dogs - symptoms, treatment, tests and vaccinations
All the necessary information about the coronavirus of dogs: how to diagnose, symptoms, what tests to take, whether vaccination is necessary for this disease What is dog coronavirosis? Coronavirus is…
