Panleukopenia cats: symptoms, treatment, vaccinations
Feline panleukopenia (also known as infectious enteritis or cat plague) is caused by a virus of the family Parvoviridae, of the genus Parvovirus (a small, small-sized DNA-containing virus with icosahedral…

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Veterinary dentist for dogs
You take care of your teeth, brush them every time after eating, killing harmful bacteria. You regularly visit the dentist. But do you pay attention to the health of your…

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Piroplasmosis (babesiosis) of dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
There are two types of Babesia that can infect dogs: Babesia canis and Babesia vogeli, which are also known as “big babesies”. Babesia gibsoni and Theileria annae, similar to the…

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cat will take blood

Viral leukemia in cats: tests, treatment, vaccinations

Infection with leukemia leads to death in 85% of cats with persistent infection (when the leukemia virus resides in the cat’s body) for 1.5 – 3 years after infection.
Leukemia infection is usually manifested as anemia or lymphomas, but since the virus adversely affects the immune system, the risk of infection with other infectious diseases and the appearance of other symptoms increase. Continue reading

Preparing dogs and cats for ultrasound
What is ultrasound? Ultrasound of dogs and cats - veterinary ultrasound. Sound waves pass through the body tissue of the animal and are recorded after their reflection. An ultrasound machine…


Vaccination of cats and cats
 Vaccination is a preventive measure against infectious diseases. It is carried out by introducing a specific biopreparation to the animal - a vaccine containing a weakened pathogen. Due to this,…
